This short breathing meditation can be done any where and at any time of the day and is suitable for all ages from 1 to 99 (for children you can take them into the garden and get them to do the breathing and actions of smelling a flower)
I suggest you read through first then find a spot where you are comfy. Don’t rush, and continue for as long as you feel the need. Some sessions may be longer than others. No length of time is right or wrong, what ever is best for yourselve in that moment.
Closing your eyes, then taking 4 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Then return to your normal breathing.
As you scan your body slowly, you will let go of any tension as you breathe out. Pausing before you continue to the next part of your body. Relaxing your muscles as you go
- Starting off at the scalp
- relaxing the forehead, the cheeks and jaw
- relaxing neck and shoulders
- arms all the way down to our fingers
- relaxing your back muscles
- your hips and thighs
- and your legs all the way to your toes.
- Visualize yourselve in a garden of flowers. They may be all the same or they may be different types and a variety of colours
- You are going to smell a flower
- As you bring the flower closer you start to breathe in, feeling your belly and chest rise and expand
- As you breathe out we feel your belly and chest fall
- As you move around the garden smelling the flowers, you are aware of the rise and fall of our belly and chest as you breathe in and out as we smell each flower. Allowing your body to relax more and more with each breath out.
Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out Gently and slowlyWhen you feel grounded and relaxed and ready to bring your awareness back to our day, start by gently wriggling your fingers and toes. Become aware of the chair you are sitting in, become aware of the sounds around you and again wriggle our fingers and toes. Then when ready, gently open your eyes. Take a moment, then have a drink of water.
Continue for as long as you feel necessary and do as often as you feel needed.
Enjoy the rest of your day xx

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